Selling More Effectively Online One Day Course

One Day Training Course: Sell Online More Effectively 

This One Day Training Course will take place on Thursday Dec 5th at Bewleys Hotel, Newlands Cross, Dublin. It is ideal for people that are working with an existing e-commerce site and are hoping to improve their e-commerce performance and sell online more effectively.

Who Should Attend the Sell Online More Effectively Course?

If you are already selling online but feel that you want to learn ways to sell more effectively this is for you. No coding experience is required.

Sell Online More Effectively Course Details

Date: Thursday December 5th

Venue: Bewleys Hotel, Nelwands Cross, Dublin (Directions to Bewleys Hotel, Newlands Cross Here)

Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm (Breakfast & Registration from 8.30am)

Price: €199 per person (Special Early Bird Rate for E-Commerce Ireland Members that book on or before Friday Nov 22nd)

Limited Spaces: This course is limited to a maximum of 12 places.

Follow Up: Course attendees can take part in a 1:1 review session two weeks after the course to discuss progress made since the course took place. There is no additional cost associated with the one on one sessions.

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Selling Online More Effectively Course Structure

This 1 day course is modular in design and comprises of three specialist units. Each unit is presented by an industry practitioner who brings first hand experience and knowledge of how the learning is applied in practice.

Combining key learnings with practical examples of what works and what doesn’t provides a unique insight and roadmap as to how to sell more effectively online.

The following learning interventions will be used on the course

* Group based workshops covering key concepts supported with practical exercises to enable you to confidently review the performance of your existing e-commerce site and put in place a performance improvement plan to uplift sales and engagement.

* A post course dedicated 1:1 coaching session providing you with an opportunity to review your own e-commerce performance improvement plan with an e-commerce professional.

Sell Online More Effectively Course Content

Unit 1: Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

- Using Adwords

- Keywords Planning

- Adword Extensions

- Adwaord Quality Score

- Landing Pages

- Case studies & Workshop Exercises

Unit 2: Email Marketing 

- Why use E-Mail Marketing for E-Commerce

- Building an e-mail database

- Deciding on design and content

- Top tips

- Case studies & Workshop Exercises

Unit 3: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

- SEO and strategies to be avoided.

- Onpage SEO

- Offpage SEO

- Linking PR & SEO

- SEO & Social Media

- Case Studies & Workshop exercises

Selling Online More Effectively Course Outcomes

At the end of the course you will be able to:

- Create an effective Google Adwords display advert

- Design and implement an e-mail marketing campaign and maximise click through rates.

- Optimise any page on your website effectively for search engine traffic

- Develop an Off Page Search Engine Optimisation Strategy

Selling Online More Effectively Trainers

Unit 1: Pay per Click Advertising, Des Martin, the Search Mill

Unit 2: Email Marketing, Karl Murray,

Unit 3: Search Engine Optimisation, Colm Griffin,


Selling Online More Effectively Booking Details

Use the buy now button above to book your place. When the course is sold out this button will be removed. If you have any questions please contact Ronan on 086 3741785 or email

Who Are Ecomevents?

Ecomevents is Ireland’s first dedicated provider of E-Commerce related training programmes and events. We only use industry professionals with a proven track record to deliver meaningful courses which can enable you to achieve more success with your e-commerce business.

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